So this is fun?
Ok, Im all for difficutly and all but this is beyond idiotic. There was a time in GW where a well rounded party could do most of everything. In UW and FOW you could have balanced a party out and an experienced group who took things slow and knew what they where doing could clear everything.
Now I bought factions but didnt have the patience to play through it. Steping into a zone and getting 1 hitted by a warrior boss was not my idea of fun so I basically let it lay there and decided to avoid it as much as possible.
Night fall was great when it first came out. The AI was great! The hero's where awesome! Then they did the Halloween nerf which basically resorted the game back to the factions non-sense but we worked around it.
Im sure in several weeks every one's going to have "l33t R8 B/P Groups" going and thats fine but the fact is thats not right. You shouldn't have to go into a zone with one specific build. I can understand conformity but when you step into a zone with a balanced group full of experienced players and consistently get owned something is just a little off.
We spent about 5 hours in the Stygian Veil. We died a good amount of times but finally we set up a balanced build to clear the first area. Pulling one patrol at a time. So we clear the area, open up a chest(which dropped nothing remotely valuable) and then accepted the quest. We where swarmed by the hungers. DoA versions of Touch Rangers. Now its bad enough dealing with touchers in PvP considering it takes no skill what so ever to use one and is cheap as hell. Luckily we have some intense kiting skills and a great Rit Lord. After kiting them for an hour in a half splitting patrol aggro's, throwing them on spirits, Meteor's to save things. Finally we clear the first 3, 5 man patrols of touch rangers. 3 more patrols of super warriors show up. We have a group of 8 people at 60 DP and we now have to take on 15 super tanks. You know this is just ridicolous.
I can understand difficulty but this is just a waste of time. Obviously your not getting anything good for it. Lvl 28 monsters with 700 hp and 400 att points should not be dropping white, non-max, weapons. It just makes no sense.